Do you find that you don’t have enough money each week to cover your outgoings? Have you missed payments on your gas, electricity, water, rent, mortgage, council tax or credit cards? Do you owe money and have demands for payments by letter, phone or in person? Have you received notices from the Court about the money you owe and the action the companies are taking? Are you worried about how to tackle all of your debts?
We could help! Call us now on 0116 2421120.
LCALC does not tolerate any abuse or any kind of harassment of staff. Any such behaviour may lead to the withdrawl of services in line with the organziation's Withdrawal of Service Policy

LCALC is also the Lead Organisation for the East Midlands Money Advice Partnership, a network of organisations providing debt advice across the East Midlands. For more information about EMMA, including a map of locations where our partners provide debt advice services across the region, please visit